
United States Air Force – Global Force Management Initiative (GFM-DI) Air Force Organization Server (AFOS)
WGE is supporting the Global Force Management – Data Initiative (GFM-DI) with its Release Increment 2 development and sustainment support activities. This five-year contract has been funded for base and three option year efforts of $5.0M associated with the migration of the current AFOS to a new hosting environment and application architecture.
The goal of AFOS Increment 2, Build 1 (i.e., AFOS 2.X) is to migrate the existing GCSS-AF hosted Increment 1 IBM WebSphere application (JAVA), Teradata database, and Informatica Extract/Translate/Load (ETL) tool to a DISA Capacity Services hosted JBOSS application server and an Oracle database with no loss of capability. Informatica components/functionality will need to be built into the Oracle database since Informatica will not be permitted in the new environment.
The AFOS SIPR instance (AFOS SIPR v1.5.3 as of 1 Jul 2016) currently resides within the GCSS-AF environment at DISA Montgomery. The AFOS SIPR environment is currently JAVA executing within WebSphere using an Oracle 11gR2 database; both running on a Redhat Linux operating system. The expected target architecture is JAVA executing within JBOSS EAP and Oracle 12c database running on a RHEL 7.x operating system.
The AFOS NIPR instance (AFOS NIPR v1.7.2 as of 1 Jul 2016) currently resides within the GCSS-AF Data Services environment at Ogden, Utah. AFOS NIPR environment is Java executing within WebSphere using a Teradata database, and Informatica ETL. The expected target architecture is JAVA executing within JBOSS EAP and Oracle 12c database running on a RHEL 7.x operating system.
Following completion of base period development activities, WGE has developed a set of nine application enhancements as well as supporting the application in the new hosting environment.

United States Dept. of Interior, Office of Special Trustee
Annual Tribal Trust Evaluation (ATTE)
Wild Goose Enterprises, Inc. was selected by the Dept. of Interior Office of Special Trustee to provide professional Information Technology (IT) Consultation services to perform activities leading to and in support of the ultimate development of an IT system (Annual Tribal Trust Evaluation (ATTE). The development of the ATTE will allow compacted Tribes to self-assess their Indian Trust functions or activities related to fiduciary compliance, as outlined in 25 CFR 1000.355.
The Wild Goose team performed discovery and analysis in conjunction with requirements gathering interview sessions provided an Alternatives Analysis, Functional Requirements Document, Statement of Work, and Evaluation Criteria to support an acquisition for selection of the system development contractor. The Alternatives Analysis assessed the currently available technical options and recommended a custom development, which the OST accepted. Following selection of the system development contractor, the WGE team will monitor and report on development progress, develop user test cases, develop system documentation, and provide a recommendation with respect to implementation of the system.

Toyota Engineering and Manufacturing – North America (TEMA) Business Intelligence Support
Wild Goose Enterprises, Inc. customer Computech required Project Management support for its initial foray in supporting Toyota’s Business Intelligence efforts. Toyota is utilizing the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) toolset to provide integrated analytical information for use in decision-making as well as operational reporting. Working as an Assistant Project Lead (APL) to the Toyota Project Lead, WGE’s initial project management efforts was to manage in process OBIEE development projects as well as serve as business analyst in defining requirements for future OBIEE application releases. The deliverables from these efforts included development of User Requirements Documents, Test Plans and Results, as well as Deployment Plans for the completed OBIEE applications. Leveraging its successful project management processes from support to the Federal Government, WGE was able to:
Successfully deploy all assigned OBIEE applications
Standardize and improve Toyota software development lifecycle documentation
Standardize project status reporting
Leveraging WGE’s experience in process optimization and improvement, WGE APL personnel were able to establish a daily, weekly, and monthly business rhythm that strengthened existing Toyota OBIEEI processes as well as streamline them for improved throughput and reduced costs.
To improve the overall organizational alignment of the OBIEE Team with the functional business owners, WGE was brought into a leadership role within the Toyota OBIEE team and was tasked to establish and maintain user working groups which reviewed current project status, identify and resolve user issues with the applications, and discuss and outline future application requirements. WGE personnel established and maintained a Parts Visibility, Scrap Reporting, Buyer Portal, and Diversity user working groups. The use of these working groups has been shown to improve release success, increase number of additional releases defined, and increase business value of applications deployed within the Toyota IS environment.
Subsequent to the completion of business intelligence support in July of 2017, WGE was re-engaged in December 2018 to provide support to Toyota's migration of its OBIEE applications to PowerBI. This one year migration of manufacturing OBIEE applications was completed in 10 months and below budget under WGE leadership. Following the migration, WGE has been retained to provide support to several Toyota manufacturing-related Data Science efforts.

United States Dept. of Commerce, Office of General Counsel Electronic Data Management System (EDMS)
WGE’s customer Digital Prospectors Corporation (DPC) required Project Management and requirements leadership and support for its contract in support of the US Dept. of Commerce (DOC) Office of General Counsel (OGC) Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) initiative. The EDMS initiative was an effort of the DOC OGC to provide a centrally hosted platform for collaboration, document management, and other cross-office communications. WGE’s initial project management effort was to work across the OGC’s 14 different offices/bureaus in defining the requirements for the EDMS effort. The deliverable from this activity was a Statement of Work (SOW), Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM), and Design Options Report. This effort was accomplished two weeks ahead of schedule. To accomplish the completion of the EDMS Requirements Traceability Matrix and Statement of Work within the required contractual timeframes, WGE followed a focused, intensive requirements and analysis process. This process includes:
Focused interview sessions with Government personnel to capture requirements and system environment dynamics
Documentation of interview results for Government review
Incorporation of interview results within WGE technical analysis and documentation activities
Periodic review and check with Government representatives to ensure activities and documentation are on-track to Government needs
As a result of using the focused process outlined above, WGE was able to not only meet the DPC customer DOC OGC’s aggressive end of fiscal year deliverable schedule, but was able to deliver the Final Report and Statement of Work two weeks early. The deliverables consisted of a Requirements Traceability Matrix, Final Report of EDMS implementation and design options, and a Statement of Work for use in the acquisition process.
WGE then supported the DOC acquisition process in the selection of an implementation contractor for EDMS.
Subsequent to the selection of the EDMS implementation contractor, WGE was retained by DPC and DOC OGC to provide program/project management support to DOC OGC in the management of the implementation contractor as well as coordinating the activities of the OGC user base in support of the EDMS efforts

US EPA - Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) Support
When the EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality was looking for experienced Java programming support in an Agile
development environment for their MOVES computer model, they selected WGE to provide continued development and enhancement
support. Leveraging WGE’s Modified Agile development process and extensive Java programming experience, WGE is responding to
specific MOVES change requests on an IDIQ basis. As part of the Office of Air and Radiation, EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) administers portions of Title II of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977 and 1990.
Within OTAQ, the Assessment and Standards Division (ASD) does a wide range of work in support of EPA's efforts in air quality analysis. These efforts include creating and revising emissions estimation models/tools, developing regulatory impact analyses, testing vehicles, supporting the vehicle inspection and maintenance programs, and other related projects. EPA released the first version of MOVES in 2004. EPA plans to continue MOVES’development and maintenance, including public and in-house versions of the model. Efforts in this regard during the performance period of this contract may involve adding features, improving the MOVES model’s performance and expanding MOVES to model the air pollution emissions from additional sources.

GOVBIZOPPS – Proposal Consulting Support
GOVBIZOPPS helps firms to register and begin to do business with the federal, state, and local governments. GOVBIZOPPS has retained WGE to provide support to these clients in the evaluation, preparation, and submission of government proposal responses.
Leveraging WGE’s over twenty-five years of experience proposal management and preparation experience, WGE has helped over thirty different GOVBIZOPPS clients to evaluate and submit proposals to federal, state, and local governments.